20 de janeiro de 2008

Antárctica (de novo)

Editorial de ontem do NYT: No Place to Hide - New York Times. Ver também aqui e aqui. Sem comentários. Um excerto:

"Skeptics about global warming often point to Antarctica to show that Al Gore
and others who worry about climate change have exaggerated the dangers greatly.
They may concede that the Arctic is melting and even that Greenland is beginning
to appear a bit shaky. But look at Antarctica, they will say. It’s actually
growing colder, and the ice sheet is thickening.

That argument is
becoming harder to sustain. According to a study published last week in the
journal Nature Geoscience, changes in water temperature and wind patterns
related to global warming have begun to erode vast ice sheets in western
Antarctica at a much faster rate than anyone had previously detected."

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