20 de abril de 2008

A alternativa

A Europa deve promover, de modo activo, a democracia? Timothy Garton Ash diz que sim (concordo em absoluto), We need a benign European hydra to advance the cause of democracy Comment is free The Guardian, e discute o modo de o fazer. Um excerto:
"Now a great idea is stalking the corridors of Europe. It is that Europeans should resolve to promote a modern, liberal version of demokratia in countries beyond Europe's borders - in our own interest, and in theirs. This should become a central purpose of the European project for the next 50 years. Not imposing a single model of democracy by military means and not "exporting" democracy, but supporting it, by peaceful means. "Showing the way does not mean imposing the way," as European commission president José Manuel Barroso said earlier this week, at the launch of a new, non-governmental European Foundation for Democracy through Partnership."

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