19 de junho de 2008

Pois é!

“We should act on climate mitigation and adaptation not because we are able to
predict the future, but because we cannot.”

"So wrote Roger A. Pielke Jr.
in an op-ed in the Financial Post, a Canadian newspaper with a doubting stance on dangerous human-caused climate change. Dr. Pielke, a political scientist at the University of Colorado, has long complained that climate scientists have been overstating the reliability of computer simulations projecting how the Earth will respond to rising levels of greenhouse gases. But he has also long advocated for policies that would lead to curbs in emissions."

Até estes já dizem isto! Estou de acordo, como é óbvio - face à incerteza mas com evidência suficiente para substantivar a preocupação, devemos guiar-nos pelo princípio da precaução, e por as "barbas de molho"!

- ver en Acting in an Uncertain Climate - Dot Earth - Climate Change and Sustainability - New York Times Blog

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