11 de agosto de 2009

Algumas sobre o aquecimento global

Sem grandes comentários, algumas das coisas que li ontem e hoje:

Aquecimento global e segurança
Aquecimento global e os glaciares nos EUA (mais sobre glaciares: fazer uma pesquisa no Google do blogue com a palavra glaciares)
  • De-Icer: USGS report details "recent dramatic shrinkage" in US glaciers, matching global decline - Climate Progress "For a half century the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been closely studying changes in glaciers in three different climatic regions in Alaska and Washington state. In a new report, the Interior Department agency details “recent dramatic shrinkage” in the Wolverine and Gulkana glaciers in Alaska and the South Cascade glacier in Washington state’s Cascade Mountains. “Since 1989,” USGS reports, “the cumulative net balances of all three glaciers show trends of rapid and sustained mass loss.” USGS scientist Edward Josberger said the changes observed in the three U.S. glaciers are consistent with other shrinking glacers around the world as they respond to climate change. “There is no doubt that most mountain glaciers are shrinking worldwide in response to a warming climate,” Josberger said. A USGS video of photographs taken over time offers dramatic evidence of the recent rapid shrinkage of the South Cascade Glacier."

Aquecimento global e o comportamento mais recente da calota polar do Árctico

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