7 de agosto de 2009

Instrumentos do ensino

A Different Kind of Teacher Cheating - Freakonomics Blog - NYTimes.com: "Ubiquitous in classrooms, PowerPoint makes lecturing easy, boring, and forgettable, the Chronicle of Higher Education reports. That’s exactly why lazy students like it: if their teacher isn’t truly engaging with the material, they don’t have to either. The PowerPoint crutch isn’t just an academic problem: it’s wrecking the Pentagon’s decision-making, too. How long before people start blaming PowerPoint for the financial crisis? (Edward Tufte was perhaps the first hater.)"

Devem visitar o Freakonomics, se estiverem interessados no tópico, já que o "blog it" não reproduziu os diversos links que a nota contém.

Quanto PowerPoint deve ser usado, mas com conta, peso e medida. Tenho amigos meus, professores de economia, que recusam usá-lo. E depois, o perigo, Santo Deus, de ano, após ano, após ano, se ir repetindo a mesma apresentação...

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