7 de agosto de 2009

Kolakowski recorda as razões para não jardinar na perspectiva de diferentes teorias de diversos campos do saber

"The General Theory of Not-Gardening: A Major Contribution to Social Anthropology, Ontology, Moral Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Political Theory, and Many Other Fields of Scientific Investigation Leszek Kolakowski: 
Those who hate gardening need a theory. Not to garden without a theory is a shallow, unworthy way of life. A theory must be convincing and scientific. Yet to various people, various theories are convincing and scientific. Therefore we need a number of theories. The alternative to not-gardening without a theory is to garden. However, it is much easier to have a theory than actually to garden. [...]"
Começa com a teoria marxista ... Continuar a ler em: The Monkey Cage: Kolakowski on Not-Gardening:

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