11 de agosto de 2009

Revisitar o assunto da eficiência energética com uma velha nota do Climate Progress

A nota referida abaixo, do Climate Progress, é uma antiga (de 2005) e, possivelmente, eu já a tinha inventariado no blogue, mas continua a ter uma actualidade marcante, agora e aqui, pelo que aí vai, seguindo o exemplo do autor:
Ler em "Energy efficienhcy, the low hanging fruit that grows back" - Climate Progress "Energy efficiency is by far the biggest low-carbon resource available. It is also, as we’ll see, every bit as renewable as wind power, solar photovoltaic, and Concentrated solar thermal power Solar Baseload. People who have little experience with what serious energy efficiency investments can do for a company or a state — this means you, neoclassical economists who consistently overestimate the cost of climate mitigation! – think it is a one-shot resource wherein you pick the low hanging fruit. In fact, fruit grow back. The efficiency resource never gets exhausted because technology keeps improving and knowledge spreads to more and more people."

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