11 de novembro de 2009

E continua: para que tomem atenção...

"Our guest blogger is supermodel Cameron Russell, a junior at Columbia University and the organizer of the “Supermodels Take It Off For Climate Change” video for the 350.org movement. This is a Wonk Room repost. 

Right now, preventing catastrophic climate change is just about the most important thing any one of us should be working on right now. 350.org organized a worldwide day of action which took place on October 24. The goal of their effort was to educate and generate attention around the setting of a 350 parts per million CO2 target goal for the meeting to be held in Copenhagen in December. I know something about getting attention and decided to contribute to their effort."

Supermodel: Why I Took It Off For Climate Change « Climate Progress:

1 comentário:

. disse...

Muito bom, o aquecimento global tem grandes vantagens!