27 de dezembro de 2009

E continua ... as notas do Climate Progress mais comentadas em 2009

This list of most-commented-on posts is, I think, an okay introduction to Climate Progress (though I’d still recommend starting with the articles on the right hand column) — but it’s an even better introduction to the terrific set of readers that make CP’s comments section so lively and informative:

201. Contest: Come up with a title for my book  [The response to that contest was amazing. While no one quite got the title that we ended up using, it did help inspire the final title, as I'll discuss in January.]

As you can see, I’m getting a lot more comments than I did last year, which is no surprise since I have more than twice as many readers (not counting subscribers, which have increased 6-fold)."

Recomendação forte: utilizem o Climate Progress, juntamente com o Real Climate, Skeptical Science, e outros como fonte de informação, e de validação das questões que são ventiladas sobre o aquecimento global - recorram aos instrumentos de procura dos próprios blogues.

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