22 de fevereiro de 2010

O percurso pessoal, científico, e político de um economista

Muito, muito interessante. Podem aprender alguma coisa do que foi a discussão económica nas últimas décadas; da evolução política norte-americana no mesmo período, e não menos importante, a razão porque Krugman se tornou economista: porque gostava de ficção científica. Pois!

A transcrição abaixo, é o final do artigo, e a última frase é terrível:

How Paul Krugman found politics : The New Yorker: "For someone else, this loss might be a devastation, but even though for thirty years thinking deeply about economics was all Krugman really cared about, he has let it pass out of his life without regret. “I think he’s happy,” his friend Craig Murphy says. “A much happier person now than when we first met him. He feels like he’s done good things, and they’re greater than what he expected when he was young. If there is sadness in him at all, I think it is a tiny core of profound sadness of the kind that the Buddha understood—that we probably can’t use human rationality to make the world all better, and it would be really nice if we were able to.”

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