27 de fevereiro de 2011

Mas há outras notícias do futuro

Não tenho dúvidas quanto à capacidade de encontrarmos soluções tecnológicas que possibilitem uma resposta adequada às consequências da inevitabilidade (já está adquirida, penso eu) das alterações climáticas - as notícias referidas abaixo (a confirmarem-se) poderão ser um exemplo disso. A dúvida está em saber se o quadro político-institucional, ideológico e dos interesses, em países estratégicos para concretizar aquela resposta, como é o caso dos EUA, o vai permitir através da procura dessas soluções e da potenciação das, no entretanto, já descobertas.

A Google-backed startup on Wednesday came out of "stealth mode" with a way to dramatically cut the amount of electricity wasted by data centers, solar panels, hybrid cars and more. Transphorm has made a module that can cut by as much as 90 percent the amount of electricity lost while converting currents in anything from laptops to elevator motors and massive computer server farms. Figures cited by the startup indicated that inefficient electric power conversion in the US power grid wastes the equivalent of the output of 318 coal-fired power plants and costs the nation's economy $40 billion a year.

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Author, inventor, and futurist Ray Kurzweil [....] 's prognostications are derived from his law of accelerating returns -- the idea that information technologies progress exponentially, in part because each iteration is used to help build the next, better, faster, cheaper one. [....]

Kurzweil also believes this theory can be applied to solar energy. As part of a panel convened by the National Association of Engineers, Kurzweil, together with Google cofounder Larry Page, concluded that solar energy technology is improving at such a rate that it will soonbe able to compete with fossil fuels.

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