O Japão tem estatísticas que me surpreedem (um exemplo: ver aqui) - a surpresa poderá significar ausência de conhecimento da minha parte, note-se, mas em todo o caso, as que são referidas neste artigo do Washington Post, Oil Price Rise Causes Global Shift in Wealth, merecem realce. Têm a ver com a evolução da dependência do Japão em relação ao petróleo e aos seus ganhos de eficiência nas últimas décadas. O artigo tem informação interessante sobre o que o seu título indica. O excerto:
"Highly developed consumer nations have been better able to adapt. In Japan, which relies on imports for nearly 100 percent of its fuel, nearly everyone is a loser -- with the big exception of Toyota.
Yet Japan has been weaning itself off oil for years. It now imports 16 percent less oil than it did in 1973, although the economy has more than doubled. Billions of dollars were invested to convert oil-reliant electricity-generation systems into ones powered by natural gas, coal, nuclear energy or alternative fuels. Japan accounts for 48 percent of the globe's solar-power generation -- compared with 15 percent in the United States. The adoption rate for fluorescent light bulbs is 80 percent, compared with 6 percent in the United States."
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