16 de março de 2008

A Europa vista dos EUA (III)

Este artigo, The French Connections - New York Times, já tem algum tempo mas o que trata é actual. Krugman compara a infraestruração norte americana em banda larga com a europeia : "What most Americans probably don’t know is that over the last few years the situation has totally reversed. As the Internet has evolved — in particular, as dial-up has given way to broadband connections using DSL, cable and other high-speed links — it’s the United States that has fallen behind."
A Europa (e a França) fica muito bem na fotografia. Krugman discute porque é que tal tem vindo a suceder - a razão invocada: "What happened to America’s Internet lead? Bad policy. Specifically, the United States made the same mistake in Internet policy that California made in energy policy: it forgot — or was persuaded by special interests to ignore — the reality that sometimes you can’t have effective market competition without effective regulation." E desenvolve o argumento referindo a responsabilidade (calcule-se) da Administração Bush.
Gostaria de saber o que está a acontecer em Portugal, nesta vertente.

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