5 de março de 2008

Mais sobre o pico da produção do petróleo

Notícias da produção de petróleo, no Comment is Free (The Guardian), em The crude fact: "In the second week, Total boss Christophe de Margerie warned that oil production may be nearing its peak. He now believes the world will never be able lift production from the current level of 85m barrels per day. One hundred is out of the question, he says, much less the 115m that so many optimists assume. The CEO of ConocoPhillips agrees with him. The oil companies duly announced their 2007 results, and masked in statistics combining oil and gas production was the alarming fact that all, bar Total, had suffered falling oil production. This is not what we expect of an oil-addicted world on course for 115m barrels a day."

O gráfico acima foi construído por Paul Krugman e retrata a evolução do preço, em termos reais, do petróleo, nas últimas décadas (sobre isso e mais sobre este assunto, ver aqui e aqui).

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