15 de abril de 2008

A importância da arquitectura política

Este artigo, Israel at 60 The dysfunctional Jewish state , do The Economist, chama a atenção para a importância do modo como está estruturada a vida política israelita na explicação da dificuldade de obter resultados na pacificação do próximo oriente. É um caso paradigmático da
importância da forma versus conteúdo. O excerto (conclusão do artigo):

"Israel has achieved some remarkable things during its 60 years. But for the sake of its security and domestic well-being, it now needs a system that makes politicians answerable to voters, not to other politicians. What shape it should take—whether a mixture of proportional representation with electoral districts, higher thresholds to keep small parties out of the parliament, or just rules to make it harder to topple governments—is up to Israelis. Unfortunately, since their politicians will design and vote on it, it is unlikely to be optimal; but almost anything would be better than what there is now."

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