3 de maio de 2008

Citação: sobre a ciência das ciências sociais

"...And he didn’t walk over to the east side of campus to ask whether, in fact, any economists ever had thought of that, and what they had learned. (Economists tend to do the same thing to sociologists and political scientists. The general rule to remember is that if some discipline seems less developed than your own, it’s probably not because the researchers aren’t as smart as you are, it’s because the subject is harder.)"

Aquilo que Krugman diz é demasiado pertinente para não ser relevado como uma citação (vem a-propósito de uma história de "hard-science arrogance"). No entanto a nota fala de outras questões actuais relacionadas com a eventual escassez de recursos, limites ao crescimento, desenvolvimento tecnológico ... Muito interessante - cruza com as questões das crises energética, alimentar...

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