29 de maio de 2008

A China proibe os sacos de plástico (os mais finos) e penaliza os mais grossos

Pois é - a China: alguns dos exemplos que de lá vêm são mesmo bons. Não me apetece fazer grandes comentários (façam mais um estudo para saber o que têm de fazer, irra).

  • China Bags Plastic Habit SolveClimate.com

    "It's official: China has risen above the rabble of plastic manufacturers and has boldly banned the plastic bag. The law will kick in June 1, and will apply to bags thinner than .025 millimeters thick. According to a survey by the China Plastics Processing Industry Association, the Chinese use up to one billion of the super thin sacks each day -- and 37 million barrels of oil a year to manufacture them. Experts predict that once the ban goes into effect, plastic bag consumption could drop by two thirds...
    What about the bags remaining? They'll be fitted with bar codes, and come Sunday, storekeepers will be forced to charge for them -- between 0.2 and 2 yuan (three and 30 cents)..."

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