31 de maio de 2008

Sobre Paul Krugman

Sobre a importância de Paul Krugman como colunista do NYT e bloguista:

"ONCE upon a time, there was an economist named Paul Krugman. He was highly respected in his field for the work he had done in New Trade theory and the New Economic Geography, as well as for his insights on rapid Asian economic growth in the 1990s. He was a John Bates Clark award winner, for whom an eventual Nobel was not out of the question. He was widely known among undergraduate economists, whose professors found his lucid and entertaining prose in Slate columns and books perfect for instructional purposes. And apparently he was bored.

So Mr Krugman went and got himself a New York Times column and promptly became one of the most inflammatory and influential left-wing political writers in the nation. Ben Naparstek describes the transformation:...."
- ver em The first blogger Free exchange Economist.com.

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