31 de dezembro de 2008


Outro exemplo, de outras práticas - visitem o link referido no corpo da transcrição:

"Considering how long they've had to do this, it's pretty freaking amazing...the Obama administration, at Change.gov, has just put up an online question asking and rating system that is, really, quite robust and useful.

Of course, I will direct you immediately to the Energy and Environment section, where the top rated questions have to do with intercity rail projects (excellent), distributed power (excellent) and renewables vs. nuclear (excellent).

All excellent questions! It makes you realize that Americans aren't...well...quite as stupid as the rest of the world assumes we are. Going down the list, in fact, I see a whole lot of really intelligent questions concerning our energy and environmental future. The Obama "team" plans to answer some of the top-rated questions in the new year. "

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