28 de setembro de 2009

Santo Nome de Deus!

Efectivamente, eles (e elas) andam por aí, mas nos EUA são poderosos e são membros do Congresso, e estão a lixar a vida dos nossos filhos e de quem vier a seguir, mas o Blasfémias - segundo parece um pilar incontornável da bloguesfera nacional - dá-lhes cobertura [pesquisa neste blogue por Blasfémias]:
"Thank God the Senator from Oklahoma is here to promise us that that the Almighty will override at a planetary level the laws of physics He created and simply stop human-emissions of heat-trapping gases from ravaging his Creation. Now if we can only get Inhofe to tell God to stop all cancers and traffic accidents, too.

More seriously, the only thing more stunning than the fact that a U.S. Senator — the ranking minority member on the Environment and Public Works committee, no less — would advance such a predeterministic view is that anyone in the media would treat him seriously (see for instance, “NYT’s Green Inc. blog wins worst headline of the day“).

But this fundamentalist, anti-scientific tripe, far from disqualifying Inhofe, puts him in very good company with other leading conservative politicians:

In April, Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) said he knows with 100% certainty that humans can’t cause devastating sea level rise because God said in the Bible he would “never again” devastate humans with a flood again (see Rep. Shimkus: “Man will not destroy this Earth. This Earth will not be destroyed by a flood.” Rep. Barton: “I wish I had another dozen John Shimkuses on the committee.”).

In July, Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) extended that doctrine. Armey told GOP members of Congress on Capitol Hill that because “the lord God almighty made the heavens and the Earth … to his satisfaction … it is quite pretentious of we little weaklings here on earth to think that, that we are going to destroy God’s creation” [see Lobbyist Dick Armey’s Gospel of Pollution (GOP)"].

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