Opiniões versus outras opiniões:
- Iceberg ahead|Climate Ark versus Newsweek staff who play fast and loose with the facts are imperiling not just their profession but the planet. « Climate Progress
- ambio: Clima e ciência - a perspectiva da Economist sobre o Climate gate e The Economist embraces climate media-ocrity with one inane paragraph « Climate Progress»
Economistas e consequências:
- Climate sceptics are recycled critics of controls on tobacco and acid rain | Jeffrey Sachs | Environment | guardian.co.uk: "We must not be distracted from science's urgent message: we are fuelling dangerous changes in Earth's climate"
- Canada's permafrost retreats amid warming trend|Climate Ark e Arctic Permafrost has Retreated 80 Miles in 50 Years| ecogeek.org
- Climate change melts Antarctic ice shelves - USGS e USGS reports dramatic retreat of ice shelves in southern Antarctic Peninsula « Climate Progress»
Clima e tempo:
Sobre a apresentação da ciência do clima:
- RealClimate: The Guardian disappoints: "Part 1 of a series discussing the recent Guardian articles: Over the last few weeks or so the UK Guardian (who occasionally reprint our posts) has published a 12-part series about the stolen CRU emails by Fred Pearce that are well below the normal Guardian standards of reporting. We delineate some of the errors and misrepresentations below. ."
- RealClimate: Close Encounters of the Absurd Kind: "Part 2 of a series discussing the recent Guardian articles: Guest commentary from Ben Santer.
- Have American Thinker disproven global warming?: "American Thinker have published an article The AGW Smoking Gun by Gary Thompson who claims to disprove a key component of anthropogenic global warming. The article begins by stating '...it seems that the only way to disprove the AGW hypothesis is to address problems with the science'. This is a fair statement and a return to an emphasis on science in the climate debate is most welcome. So have American Thinker discovered a flaw in climate science that has escaped the attention of the world's climate scientists? Let's examine Thompson's article to find out."
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