The Browser é um site que faz jus à definição do que é um browser: A program that accesses and displays files and other data available on the Internet and other networks. Ele recolhe e referencia o que de mais interessante (na opinião dos seus autores) vai sendo feito, dito e visionado na internet, e isso em relação a diversas áreas. Um dos segmentos é uma entrevista onde se questiona o convidado sobre as razões da sua escolha de 5 livros. É um daqueles a ter como favorito.
Abaixo transcrevo a informação sobre o convidado; o início da entrevista e uma opinião no quadro do comentário a um desses livros.
Dan Ariely is an Israeli American professor of psychology and behavioural economics at Duke University. He is the author of two New York Times bestselling books, Predictably Irrational and The Upside of Irrationality, and a popular blogI have just read some of the books you’ve chosen, and I found them almost impossible to put down. It’s fascinating how people behave in these experimental situations – whether they’re eating huge quantities of soup without realizing it, or failing to see a gorilla. I was wondering, more broadly, what you are trying to get at with this choice of books?
For me, it’s very interesting to try to figure out where we go wrong. In my general approach to life, I think of myself as a social hacker. Life has been designed around us in a way that is not necessarily the best way to maximize our health, our well-being or our prosperity. If we understand where things are going wrong, we can also figure out how we can fix them. That’s my first concern.
Social science is incredibly interesting because it’s the science of everything we do. We used to think that the big mysteries in the universe are the stars, or maybe molecular biology – things that are outside our reach. But the more we get into it, the more we realize how little we know about the things around us, which can include eating a bowl of soup or what’s happening to us at work. So there is an element of self-improvement in these books, but there’s also a fascination for its own sake about what’s going on around us. Each of us can become more of a social scientist by being a bit more aware and a bit more thoughtful.
[....]"What struck me about these books is that they’re describing weaknesses in us that companies and individuals selling insurance, popcorn or used cars have been exploiting for a long time. The whole market is acting against us in a way, so who is going to help us make the right decisions?You can think about the market economy in this way – almost nobody wants you to do something that is good for you in the long term. The incentive of everybody else is to do something that is good for them in the short term. It’s important that we as individuals understand this, and that we as individuals demand something better. I also think it’s important that we have regulators that understand these problems, and can help us."
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