28 de fevereiro de 2016

Apesar das boas notícias de Al Gore - eu gostei de as ouvir - o meu verdadeiro receio é que, o que está expresso a bold abaixo, se venha mesmo a confirmar

"Comment of the Day: Graydon: Current Links: "The thing about the Nick Stern climate article...

...is that it's uselessly pollyana-ish by talking about economic percentages and not food. Climate-driven disruption gets you, not in the sea level or the air conditioning bill or the change in energy source, but in the farming; either you get hungry or a large hungry group shows up unwilling to starve for your convenience. This is an immediate concern, not a future concern. (That is, there are place in the world where this is already happening.) We do not have 'this century' to get to zero net carbon; we have a lot less time than that. We might have negative time. We are way, way into existential threat territory on this already."

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