George Monbiot, no Comment is free, no The Guardian, Our awful rate of abortion is partly the Cardinal's responsibility, fala-nos do aborto e das responsabilidades em presença: uma citação, interessante, a diversos títulos: "Murphy-O'Connor [cardeal] has denounced contraception and abortion many times. That's what he is there for: the primary purpose of most religions is to control women. But while we may disagree with his position, we seldom question either its consistency or its results. It's time we started. The most effective means of preventing the deaths of unborn children is to promote contraception."
Convém ler o artigo, por todos os motivos: tem, nomeadamente, estatísticas muito interessantes, mas não só. Vejam este excerto (tem aplicação regional):
"There is also a clear relationship between sex education and falling rates of unintended pregnancy. A report by the United Nations agency Unicef notes that in the Netherlands, which has the world's lowest abortion rate, a sharp reduction in unwanted teenage pregnancies was caused by "the combination of a relatively inclusive society with more open attitudes towards sex and sex education, including contraception". By contrast, in the US and UK, which have the developed world's highest teenage pregnancy rates, "contraceptive advice and services may be formally available, but in a 'closed' atmosphere of embarrassment and secrecy".
Poderia apresentar ainda excertos muito duros deste artigo - fica ao vosso critério, acedê-lo ou não. No entretanto, e a-propósito, confesso a minha surpresa, em relação à notícia, dada nas notícias da RTP Açores, quanto à incidência da gravidez na adolescência nos Açores e o facto da sua dimensão não se ter alterado nas últimas décadas. Algumas das razões para isso entroncam naquilo que é dito no artigo de Monbiot - outras, não! A falar depois...
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