9 de maio de 2008

Os primórdios da colonização europeia do Novo Mundo

Uma crítica de um livro de história sobre o início da colonização europeia na América: Review: Tony Horwitz's "A Voyage Long and Strange" Salon Books. Tem apontamentos curiosos e não muito conhecidos - um exemplo:
"And yet it takes only a little effort to see that the Puritans were walking in others' footprints. The first native to greet the Mayflower was an English-speaking Indian named Samoset, who asked for a beer. (He'd been introduced to the beverage by Britishers in Maine.) Shortly after came Squanto, who had learned the settlers' language the hard way: He'd been kidnapped by an earlier English expedition and sold into slavery. As for the coastal regions that seemed so ripe for the Pilgrims' taking, they had been conveniently emptied, thanks to a plague brought over by Europeans."
Outra referência sobre a colonização do Novo Mundo (agora, não a europeia, mas sim a originária): New evidence from earliest known human settlement in the Americas.
Os humanos chegaram à América à cerca de 16000 anos (3000 anos mais cedo do que se pensava).

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