26 de novembro de 2008

Leituras sobre diversos tópicos

Acumulei uma série excessiva de referências. Daí arrumá-las (parte delas) nesta nota, por tópicos, e com uma ou outra transcrição:

Aquecimento global
  • Not just a river in Egypt Gristmill: The environmental news blog Grist:
    "First is "strategic denial": someone may know very well that X is true, but deny it because denial'ss in their best interest. Think ExxonMobil.
    Second is "state of fear": when you are afraid something could be true, you deny the possibility. The radio story referenced women who don't check themselves for breast cancer -- not because they're not worried about it, but because they're terrified what they might find.
    Third is the "collapsing worldview": If X is true, then you're wrong about the world, and you'll have to reassess how you see things. If climate change is correct, those who believe the free market solves all problems will have their worldview shattered. Easier to just deny! "
    Ouvir, também, a este propósito: Denial near and far (9:45) PRI's The World.

Conjuntura económica (EUA e Europa)

  • FT.com / Columnists / Wolfgang Munchau - Double jeopardy for financial policymakers:
    "In the current turmoil, accidents can pull us in vastly different directions. The unforeseeable bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the US investment bank, transformed a lingering financial crisis into a near-systemic meltdown. Depending on how other unpredictable events turn out in the next few weeks and months, we could end up with a deflationary depression, an inflationary boom or even one followed by the other. In such an environment, economic forecasts are useless – worse than useless, in fact, because they give us a sense of certainty where there is none."

  • A reacção é, em si, instrutiva, mas remete para mais informação:
    "Mark Thoma has the rundown of informed reactions. A bailout was necessary — but this bailout is an outrage: a lousy deal for the taxpayers, no accountability for management, and just to make things perfect, quite possibly inadequate, so that Citi will be back for more. Amazing how much damage the lame ducks can do in the time remaining." (2008.11.27) Vejam, também, este artigo de Thomas Friedman: Op-Ed Columnist - All Fall Down - NYTimes.com.

História (económica)

  • The Monkey Cage: The Real Great Depression:
    "Forget about the Great Depression. Writing in the current issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education, Scott Reynolds Nelson, a history professor at the College of William & Mary, argues that the depression of 1929 is the wrong model for the current economic crisis. A more appropriate model is the panic of 1873. Here’s why. Forget about the Great Depression. Writing in the current issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education, Scott Reynolds Nelson, a history professor at the College of William & Mary, argues that the depression of 1929 is the wrong model for the current economic crisis. A more appropriate model is the panic of 1873. Here’s why."



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