São diversos os artigos referenciados, mas todos têm como denominador a conjuntura económica, e abordam a questão da sua interpretação (da sua compreensão); da resposta dada pelos economistas; da necessidade da resposta ser global; da definição de depressão (esperemos que não seja preciso usá-la), do que se passa com a indústria automobilística norte-americana (como se chegou ao ponto a que se chegou e os perigos da situação).
Grasping Reality with Both Hands: The Semi-Daily Journal of Economist Brad DeLong: Bruce Bartlett Asks: "What Would Keynes Do?": "The problem is that economic theory is not rocket science. It is not like theoretical physics--conducting a relatively few crucial experiments to decide on basic theories and then working out the consequences of those theories from first principles. Economic theory is, instead, crystalized history. We take a bunch of historical episodes that seem relevant to the problems of interest of today. We boil down what seem to be their salient features. And then from the resulting soup and bones we construct simple stylized models that we think help us understand present and future episodes that fall into the same class." ;
Grasping Reality with Both Hands: The Semi-Daily Journal of Economist Brad DeLong: A Brief Word on Economic Vocabulary...: "As the authority on such matters, I hereby lay down the law: No, we cannot call it a depression yet. We can only call it a depression when the headline unemployment rate--U3--kisses 12%, or when the headline unemployment rate stays above 10% for 36 consecutive months.";
Dani Rodrik's weblog: Some unpleasant Keynesian arithmetic: "The way out of this dilemma is to get the rest of the world to engage in fiscal expansion at the same time--so that the gift is returned. The good news here is that China is playing along and hopefully the Europeans will too (if they can convince Germans to get over their weird obsession with fiscal conservatism)." ;
Dani Rodrik's weblog: Does mercantilism work in a Keynesian world?: "So the implication is not that we throw the theory overboard, but that we foresee its global implications and apply the requisite remedy: a globally coordinated fiscal stimulus, which requires in turn that we provide the developing countries with the liquidity and fiscal resources needed to get on board." ;
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