17 de outubro de 2009


Em 1989! - The New York Review of Books  Timothy Garton Ash faz a recensão de uma série de livros sobre os acontecimentos ocorridos em 1989: queda do muro de Berlim e quejandos. Um deles já o tinha referido aqui: - merece uma crítica menos positiva do sociólogo inglês.

O livro seguinte apresenta uma versão que viria a contrario da apresentada pela historiografia inglesa sobre as causas da revolução inglesa de 1688. Não estou em condições de tomar posição no assunto mas o que diz a recensão é convincente: 1688: The First Modern Revolution. By Steve Pincus. Yale University Press,  Amazon.comAmazon.co.uk. - tirado de  British history: England's revolution The Economist:
"The long-held view of Britain’s “Glorious Revolution”, which overthrew James II and replaced him on the throne with the Dutch Stadtholder, William of Orange [...], is that it was a kind of civilised non-revolution that nevertheless laid the foundations of a modern liberal society. [...] Steve Pincus, a professor of history at Yale, reaches radically different conclusions about the nature, though not the importance, of what took place. Mr Pincus claims that far from being a celebration of continuity, Britain’s revolution was every bit as radical in intention and consequences as the revolutions of 1789 in France and 1917 in Russia. Although it was much less bloody than either of those, it was a violent transformational event. [...]"

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