8 de outubro de 2009

Só lido!

Será que isto é mesmo assim? Admitindo que sim, é inqualificável, de uma comicidade a raiar o nível da tragédia, mas, atendendo ao nível de loucura que perpassa dados sectores norte-americanos, até tem verosimilhança:
Ler a nota completa - merece - em Open Left:: Editing the Bible:
"[...] But every once in a while, folks in the conservative movement surprise me and come up with something new. And this one is a doozy. Apparently the folks at Conservapedia are re-translating the Bible to make it fit better with conservative ideology. More on this venture in the extended entry.

According to Conservapedia, there is no "fully conservative translation" which properly meets their guidelines, so the project is much needed. Among other things, they want to:

  • Better explain how certain parables actually promote free market ideology, because apparently the actual language of the Bible doesn't do a very good job of that.

  • Exclude certain, "later-inserted liberal passages." Given that there is a great deal of dispute among Bible scholars over what was original language in the ancient texts and what wasn't, it will be fascinating to see what passages make their list as "later inserted." I have some guesses.

  • Identify pro-liberal terms in existing translations such as "government" and just get rid of then. It's great how you can solve these inconvenient problems so easily.

  • Conversely, of course, identify conservative words and phrases that have been mysteriously omitted from existing translations, and figure out cool ways to stick them into the Bible stories. [...]"
    PS (2009.10.08): Ler o comentário de Krugman: Lost in translation - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com

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