14 de janeiro de 2010

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Não me admiro nada. Aliás, algo de parecido tinha sucedido aquando do 11 de Setembro, e se não me engano, do Katrina. Embora, haja que reconhece-lo, este episódio tem requinte. Por esta e por outras, favoreço, dentro das religiões, aquelas com longa história, hierarquizadas, e onde a emissão de juízos doutrinais é monopolizada (há memes que devem ser regulamentados, canalizados, tutorizados, porque são perigosos quando manipulados por desmiolados), passe os impactos positivos que a Reforma teve - no entanto, tenho algum receio de que ainda não tenha terminado o pagamento desses benefícios. Bem, entendam isto como um desabafo irritado, e não party line. Os dois artigos devem ser lidos na totalidade.

Haiti - Salon.com: "One of the most callous reactions to the Haiti disaster thus far has come from televangelist Pat Robertson, who told viewers of his Christian Broadcasting Network on Wednesday morning that he knew the real reason for the quake: The country's long-standing pact with Satan."

Voltaire and Haiti | Andrew Brown | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk: "One of the consolations that any great natural disaster gives to the bystanders is the evidence that they were right all along about God. For atheists, it proves that he doesn't exist, and anyone who supposes he might is a loon and a moral criminal. For fundamentalists, likewise, it proves that they were right all along, and anyone who displeases him will come to a vile end. Anglicans, like John Sentamu, for the most part discover that God is extremely mysterious and confusing and anyone proposing to speak for him is probably wrong – but none the less righter than atheists. Within hours of the Haitian earthquake, all these reactions were on display, just as they had been after the Boxing Day tsunami. In this instance the most egregious fundamentalist and the quickest off his mark, was Pat Robertson, who blamed the whole thing on Voodoo."

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