22 de junho de 2008

A responsbilidade dos cidadãos e dos políticos na sustentação dos serviços de saúde

É um editorial do The Observer sobre o sistema de saúde britânico. É interessante; deve ser lido, mas retenho aquilo que me interessa mais e que cruza com outras preocupações:
  • Editorial: How to preserve the NHS, our national asset Comment is free The Observer
    "... Another challenge is managing expectations. Politicians must be honest about the limitations of publicly-funded healthcare. There will have to be a reorientation of priorities towards prevention of illness, supporting people to lead healthier lifestyles, to quit smoking, eat better, drink less. That in turn requires a debate about the different expectations that can be placed on individuals to take responsibility for their health, and on the state to provide a safety net. It will require political courage - from Labour in admitting where its reforms have failed to deliver value for money, and from the Tories in avoiding the temptation to denounce everything the government does for the sake of it when they do not seem to have radical alternatives in mind..."

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