13 de janeiro de 2009

Sintomas do futuro que vem (em princípio) aí...

Os números falam por si:

"...The biggest and most technically clever firms are American and European, but their predominance in research, innovation and production is being challenged by Asian companies. A new report by the OECD puts hard figures on the extent of this steady shift. document.write(''); Every year around $1 trillion is spent on research and development (R&D) in computing, telecoms and electronics; America accounts for over one-third. But while corporate R&D in America and Europe grew by 1-2% between 2001 and 2006, in China it soared 23%. ..."
Para continuara a ler ir a Research and development in East Asia Rising in the East The Economist.
No entretanto, a situação em Portugal, melhorou substancialmente neste particular, segundo o que o Nicolau Santos, do Expresso, anuncia (ver aqui).

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