A experiência em curso no Reino Unido, abaixo relatada, é interessante e poderia ser copiada em Portugal. O impacto das políticas públicas depende da compreensão dos cidadãos sobre a sua bondade, e da sua adesão ao que se propõe fazer. Isso é particularmente verdade no campo da saúde (ver aqui, aqui, aqui e aqui) . A dificuldade, segundo se alega, é de como ultrapassar o "soi-disant" desinteresse dos cidadãos (noutros contextos, falar-se-ia, da sua alienação). Mas havendo vontade política, e insistindo, e tentando, e experimentando, haveria sempre de descobrir-se como levar a água ao moinho - este é um exemplo.
Ver em Tammy Boyce: How can the NHS convince Britons to lead healthier lives? Comment is free guardian.co.uk:
"Health trainers work in the NHS to motivate and help people develop individual goals to improve their health. The programme is aimed at disadvantaged communities and the trainers are recruited from communities where they are working. The assumption is that, say, a young woman from the Sikh community in Nottingham will have more of an idea as to what is likely to encourage young Sikh women living in Nottingham to live healthier lives."
"Health trainers work in the NHS to motivate and help people develop individual goals to improve their health. The programme is aimed at disadvantaged communities and the trainers are recruited from communities where they are working. The assumption is that, say, a young woman from the Sikh community in Nottingham will have more of an idea as to what is likely to encourage young Sikh women living in Nottingham to live healthier lives."
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